GitLab CI/CD Settings page showing URL and token for specific runner

Feel free to fork it or use your own project. I created a sample project to get you started more quickly.

Once it is installed open it and create a project to make sure it is completely installed and running. Make sure to download Xcode form the Mac App Store. Please install these tools now before continuing. CocoaPods (use Homebrew: brew install cocoapods).In order to set up GitLab Runner for iOS we need the following tools:
#Setup gitlab for mac how to
My article focuses on how to run everything yourself. Victor Peschenkov explains in his article how to use GitLab CI with Fastlane. I couldn’t find a lot of documentation explaining how to set up continuous integration for iOS on GitLab, therefore I am writing this article. However, how can we configure GitLab to run Unit and UI tests for us? We all write tests for our applications and keep them in version controlled systems like GitLab or GitHub.